How we can do keyword research?

Explore the minds of 10 musicians as they use their environment to make sense of the world. This 100-year-old candy store in St. Louis is rich in history and chocolate. Long keywords contain 3 or more words.

These are specific phrases that shoppers are more likely to use when they are more advanced in the buying cycle or when using voice search. Keep this list short and simple, with 5 to 10 topics at most. It may be useful to imagine that you are a buyer looking for your product or service. When evaluating a keyword, consider any upward or downward trend for that keyword over the past few months.

Keyword trends can help you determine how popular the keyword has been recently, sometimes in the last 3 to 12 months. Your keywords should also support business objectives, such as getting more page views, attracting potential customers, or selling products and services. The right keywords can help attract potential users who are more likely to use or buy on your website, so it's important to use them. If your post is long, you might have several target keywords, but your main keyword will be in the title, URL, meta description, and text.

Several of the tools mentioned above also include competitive analysis and information on the keywords in which your competitors rank, so take advantage of these competitive information features when researching keywords. While you may still need to target keywords outside of this group, I recommend that you assign a higher budget to keywords with high commercial intent, since they are the most likely to perform the most. Since a search engine may have several intentions when researching (and searching for) a specific topic, you should never reduce keyword research to simply compiling a list of keywords. Using the right keywords in articles, blog posts, or product descriptions can help you rank in search engine results and can generate traffic and new leads to your website for months or sometimes years after you publish those pages.

Grouping keywords and keeping track of their volume and difficulty can make the job of creating content clusters much easier in the future. The monthly search volume is the number of times a search query or keyword is entered into search engines each month. In addition to search volume, other keyword metrics can be useful when conducting research and prioritizing the keywords to target, for example. Since the intent behind a search is so important to your ranking potential, you should be very careful when interpreting the keywords you're targeting.

Keyword search volume refers to the number of times a specific keyword is searched for in a specific period of time.