Is keyword research part of on page seo?

Keyword research is part of SEO (search engine optimization). It's the work that someone does to create an extensive list of keywords that they would like a website to rank for.


research can also help you prioritize your keywords. If you have a small or new site and your competition in a particular search term are sites like Wikipedia and Amazon, ranking for that term may be a long-term goal or a lower priority.

At the same time, work on other keywords that are more attainable in the short term. Learning to research keywords is a fundamental SEO task that involves identifying popular words and phrases that people enter into search engines. When you know what people are looking for, you can focus your content on those topics. Keyword research allows marketers to better understand how high the demand for certain keywords is and how difficult it would be to compete for those terms in organic search results, providing guidance for optimization efforts.

The main topic function is extremely useful for grouping large lists of keywords into so-called topic groups. Not only do initial terms lead to metrics such as search volume, but they also open the door to a lot of suggestions for related keywords that you may not have thought of yet. Without this knowledge, you may not be able to generate a complete list of keywords or assess whether those keywords are relevant and essential. The foundation of your website is keyword-based, so the basic components you use require periodic reevaluation and maintenance.

By researching keywords to determine their popularity, search volume, and overall intent, you can address the questions that most people in your audience want answers to. While search volume, traffic potential, difficulty ranking, and search intent are important considerations, you should also consider the ranking value of this keyword for your company. This background will help us understand how search engines want to consume information for a particular keyword. So, if your page ends up ranking well on Google for its target keyword, you'll enjoy a steady stream of highly segmented visitors.

The monthly search volume is the number of times a search query or keyword is entered into search engines each month. Make sure that Google's content type is closely related to what you intend to create for the keyword. This information will be useful when communicating with departments and stakeholders or when determining the strategy for classifying those keywords. You definitely want some quick wins from long-tail keywords, but you should also try to reduce more difficult terms in the long term.

Overall, good organic keywords have a solid mix of high volume, relevance, and low keyword difficulty. There are thousands of keywords that your potential customers search for when they're not looking for what you're selling. Big brands tend to rank in the top 10 in high-volume keywords, so if you're starting out on the web and looking for the same keywords, the tough battle for ranking can take years of effort.